A Volcanic Eruption Has Begun Near Stóra-Scógfell

March 16, 2024

Latest News

March 16, 2024: Eruption in Reykjanes

Eruption has started north of Grindavík in the Reykjanes Peninsula. The location os the eruption is between Hagafell and Stóra-Skógfell. The source is closer to Stóra-Scógfell, in a similar place to the eruption that occurred on February 8.The roads in the area has been CLOSED while the authorities assess the situation. Please respect the closures, and stay away from the area.

Grindavík is beeing evacuated due to the eruption.

The 2 Best Webcams

View of the volcano eruption provided by MBL.

View of the volcano eruption from Þorbjörn

Useful Links


The local Icelandic Met Office is the most reliable place to get your weather as well as information on the eruption.

Safe Travel App

Download the Safe Travel App to stay up to date on the developing situation.

Donate to the Icelandic Red Cross

Unlike the past 4 eruptions, this event is causing damage to homes and infrastructure. People’s lives will be negatively affected forever. 4,000 people have been evacuated from the town of Grindavik and some have already lost their homes and possessions. Take the opportunity to donate to the Red Cross to help those in need.

It is not safe to drive near the expected eruption site and the roads

are CLOSED in the area.

It is important to respect the authorities and NOT travel there.

Initially we only expect the helicopters to be operating.

View the Volcano

  • Iceand Volcano Helicopter

    Helicopter Tour From Reykjavik


At this time, no one is allowed on the closed roads or around Grindavik. Drones are forbidden as well.

Important Info

It’s important to follow the news and directives from the local authorities prior to visiting the site of the volcano. There can be hazerdous conditions including invisible dangers like toxic gases.